Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is - with 2. 2 million people living in the dense (105 km²) central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area - one of the largest agglomerations in Europe. Located in the north of the country on the river Seine, Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food and design.
Paris started life as the Celto-Roman settlement of Lutetia on the Île de la Cité, the island in the Seine currently occupied by the Cathédral de Nôtre Dame. It takes its present name from name of the dominant Gallo-Celtic tribe in the region, the Parisii. At least that's what the Romans called them, when they showed up in 52 BCE and established their city Lutetia on the left bank of the Seine, in what is now called the "Latin Quarter" in the 5th arrondissement.
Paris is one of Europe's culinary centres. The restaurant trade began here just over 220 years ago and continues to thrive. It may however come as a surprise that Paris isn't considered the culinary capital of France, rather some people prefer the French cooking found in small rural restaurants, outside of the city, closer to the farms and with their focus on freshness and regional specialities. Even amongst French cities, Paris has long been considered by some people as second to Lyon for fine dining.
Europe, including France. Even in January, the coldest month, temperatures nearly always exceed the freezing point with an average high of 6°C (43°F). Snow is not common in Paris, although it will fall a few times a year. Most of Paris' precipitation comes in the form of light rain year-round.
Summers in Paris are warm and pleasant, with an average high of 23°C (75°F) during the mid-summer months. Spring and fall are normally cool and wet.
Paris is one of the great fashion centres of the Western world, up there with New York, London, and Milan, making it a shopper's delight. While the Paris fashion scene is constantly evolving, the major shopping centres tend to be the same. High end couture can be found in the 8th arrondisement. In summer, there is nothing better than browsing the boutiques along Canal St-Martin, or strolling along the impressive arcades of the historic Palais-Royal, with beautifully wrapped purchases swinging on each arm.
Paryż (fr. Paris) – stolica i największa aglomeracja Francji, położona w centrum Basenu Paryskiego, nad Sekwaną (La Seine). Miasto stanowi centrum polityczne, ekonomiczne i kulturalne kraju. Znajdują się tu liczne zabytki i atrakcje turystyczne, co powoduje, że Paryż jest co roku odwiedzany przez ok. 30 milionów turystów.
W granicach administracyjnych Paryża zamieszkuje ponad 2 mln osób (wg spisu ludności z 2008 było to 2 233 818), w tzw. Wielkim Paryżu ok. 10 mln a w całym zespole miejskim ponad 12 mln (w 2007 paryską przestrzeń aglomeracji zamieszkiwało 12 067 000 osób). Aglomeracja paryska konkuruje tym samym pod względem liczby ludności w Unii Europejskiej z Londynem.
Paryż, który stanowi osobny departament o numerze 75, jest jednocześnie stolicą regionu administracyjnego Île-de-France. Oprócz departamentu paryskiego w jego skład wchodzą departamenty: Essonne (91), Hauts-de-Seine (92), Seine-Saint-Denis (93), Seine-et-Marne (77), Val-de-Marne (94), Val-d'Oise (95) oraz Yvelines (78).
Miasto ma układ koncentryczny z rozchodzącymi się gwiaździście bulwarami. Jego oś stanowi wcięta dolina Sekwany, która dzieli Paryż na dwie części: prawobrzeżną (północną) Rive Droite oraz lewobrzeżną (południową) Rive Gauche.
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